We are in Alpha! Features are being added/developed. Stay Tuned!

Uniting Voices to
Amplify Change

Your Source for Local Events and News

Free, Transparent, Open Source

All of our products and services are for the benefit of the community. Everything we do is completely free and open source forever. You can support our mission by subscribing to our weekly Substack roundup which allows you to pay what you want, or nothing.

What’s Happening Around Town?

We are creating a daily list of all the venues and spaces around town and what’s happening there each day. You will be able to add tags for events and filter to find the kinds of events you like.

Current Events

We are bringing together local thought leaders to create regular content about current events which will be posted across all our social media accounts as well as here on this site.

Support Us On Substack

We are sending out a weekly Substack roundup of all the current events coverage we’ve posted. You can subscribe for free or pay what you want.

Meet The Team…

We are a flat anarcho-syndicalist organization where ever member has the same power to contribute, vote on decisions, and review content before it goes out. We have monthly public meetings whose agenda and minutes will be posted on Substack.

CJ Trowbridge



Follow us on all the socials to stay up to date.